  • Видео 15
  • Просмотров 63 069


iPhone 12 Pro haqida qisqa ma'lumotlar
Просмотров 963 года назад
iPhone 12 lineykasi haqida eng asosiy ma'lumotlar
Switzerland🇨🇭The Alps. Shvetsariya🇨🇭 Alp tog´lari
Просмотров 6473 года назад
EN: Appenzel District is considered to have one of the best view of the Alps in Switzerland. Two days hiking in the Seealpsee. UZ: Appenzell Shveytsariyadagi Alp tog'larining eng chiroyli joylaridan biri hisoblanadi. Seealpsee da ikki kun sayr.
Iphone 11 haqida ma´lumotlar. Iphone 11 хакида малумотлар.
Просмотров 14 тыс.4 года назад
#Iphone11#Iphone IPhone 11: Obzor | Sotib olishga arziydimi? Albatta ko´ring. Kamerasiga albatta gap so´z yo´q ozingiz video ohirida baho berishingiz mumkin.
Switzerland🇨🇭Rhine Fall. Schweiz🇨🇭Rheinfall . Швейцария🇨🇭Рейнский Bодопад
Просмотров 1314 года назад
Largest plain Waterfall in Europe 4K Größte Ebene Wasserfall in Europa 4K Самый большой равнинный водопад в Европе 4K Yevropadagi eng katta tekislikdagi sharshara 4K
Karobka ichida nima bor edi aslida:)
Просмотров 1014 года назад
Karobka ichida nima bor edi aslida.
Uzbek yigiting Italiyaga sayohati Korona virus tarqalishidan oldin. Milan 4K 2020
Просмотров 8344 года назад
UZ: Milan - bu Italiyaning kelajak va tez rivojlanayotgan shahri, modalar shahri, yaxshi ko'rinish majburiy va ishdan keyin ichkilikbozlik - bu san'at turidir. EN:Milan is Italy’s city of the future, a fast-paced metropolis where creativity is big business, looking good is compulsory and after-work drinks are an art form.
Sirli Karobka. Karobkada nima bor??? Was ist in der BOX??? What's in the BOX ??? Что в коробке ???
Просмотров 2204 года назад
EN: What is in the box ??? Rules of the game: 1. Subscribe to my channel. 2. Like this video. 3. Write your opinion in the comment. What is in the box ??? If you can find it, you will win a great prize. DE: Was ist in der BOX??? Regeln vom Spiel: 1. Mein Kanal abonnieren. 2. Auf das Video Daumen drücken. 3. In dem Kommentar deine Meinung schreiben. Was ist in der BOX??? Wenn du es finden kannst...
Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2. Yaratganga shukur kinosidagi soatining zamonaviy varianti😁
Просмотров 6494 года назад
UZ: Yaratganga shukur kinosidagi soatining zamonaviy varianti😁. SAMSUNG - Galaxy Watch Active 2 yangi soatlarining to'liq sharhi. Avtonom ishlash vaqti, displey va boshqa yangiliklari haqida. RU: Полный обзор новых часов от SAMSUNG - Galaxy Watch Active 2. Проверка автономности, дисплея, и других фишек.
Beautiful Venice 4K. Venedig 4K. Венеция 4K.
Просмотров 6094 года назад
EN: Journey through the city of love as I profile one of Europes most interesting destinations. One of the most romantic and beautiful cities in the world, Venice is famous for it's intricate transport system of interconnected canals. Being a city built on water, there are over 417 bridges throughout Venice that help you weave through the 177 different canals. RU: Путешествие по городу любви, п...
Uzbek yigiti Xorvatiyada. Sayohat uchun atiga 100$ yetadimi?
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.4 года назад
UZ: Assalomu Alaykum aziz muhlislar. Mana bugun sızlar uchun yana bir video tayyorladim. Bu video Xorvatiyanig Zadar shahriga qilgan sayohatim to'g'risida. Bu video nimasi bn qiziq deyishingiz mumkin? Men bu Sayohatga atiga 100$ ishlatganman 3 kecha 4 kunduz uchun. To'g'risi juda ko'p vaqt va mehnat ketdi. Albatta ohirigacha ko'ring va kanalga obuna bo'lishni unutmang. Men sizlarga aytgan sahif...
Travel to Oslo Norway. Oslo 4K
Просмотров 9294 года назад
I travelled 100 km by foot in four days exploring the vast landscapes of Oslo and its surroundings, always looking to place my camera gear in the most beautiful sceneries possible.
Travel to Croatia. Opatija. Croatia 4K
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 года назад
Croatia is one of Europe’s most beautiful countries. It’s filled with clear blue water, lush green plant life and even has great nightlife. #Croatia#хорватия#Xorvatiya#Kroatien
Samsung Galaxy S10 haqida birinchi ma´lumotlar. Samsung Galaxy S10 хакида малумотлар.
Просмотров 41 тыс.4 года назад
Shunday qilib, Galaxy S10 chiqdi, men ularni ikki hafta davomida ishlatdim va bu telefon haqida o'z taassurotimga ega bo`ldim. Galaxy S10 Apple Iphone XS ni quvib o'tishi mumkinmi? Galaxy S10 batareyasi qanchaga yetadi? RUclips kanalimga a‘zo bo‘ling : #samsung #galaxys10
Galaxy Buds 2019 simsiz naushniklari. Galaxy Buds 2019 симсиз наушнилари.
Просмотров 1 тыс.4 года назад
Shunday qilib, Galaxy Buds chiqdi, men ularni bir hafta davomida ishlatdim va bu naushniklar haqida o'z taassurotimga ega bo‘ldim. Galaxy Buds Apple AirPod-laridan o‘tib ketishi mumkinmi? Galaxy Buds sifatli tovush chiqaradimi , batareya qanday ishlaydi? RUclips kanalimga a‘zo bo‘ling : #galaxybuds #samsung #galaxys10